Monday, August 24, 2009


Of all the ingredients on the market right now, few bring a smile to my face like quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) because knowing the word and how to spell it was critical in a Scrabble competition against my very competitive BIL. It's no secret that I read cooking books and magazines like juicy novels. That is how I was first introduced to this mystery ingredient and how to spell it long before I had ever tried it.
So, here's the deal with Quinoa. It is a super-food. It is an ancient, traditional grain that can be grown at 12,000 feet above sea level. It is one of the best sources of protein in the vegetable world because of the balanced amino acids. It is also high in fiber, phosphorus, magnesium and iron...and it's gluten-free. It is also very available these days, I can find it at the small grocer down the street and even at Costco. It cooks like rice and can be served as a side or in salads, pilaf, stuffing, soups, etc. I have a few great recipes I'll be sharing soon, but if any of you have good ones, send them along because I'd love to try them.
Hopefully I've convinced you to try this, here's how to prepare it.

Thoroughly rinse the dry grains under cold water for a couple of minutes. Quinoa in it's natural state has a coating of a natural saponins, that is quite bitter, rinsing washes it off. Combine about 1/2 c. quinoa with 1 1/2 c. broth (I like beef broth) and simmer for 15 minutes or until tender. Let cool for about five minutes and fluff with a fork. You can also use a rice cooker (follow white rice instructions). I often chop peppers and add black beans for a quick side, or just toss with fresh chopped parsely.

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